Friday, October 29, 2010

Big BadaBoom!

This year, for halloween, I am going as a character from one of my all time favourite movies - The 5th Element. I've wanted to go as her for a couple of years, but the only suspenders I could ever find were over $100 online! Forget that. Finally, I decided to put some effort in and make my own.

The hardest part was deciding what to make the suspenders out garbage bags? orange body suit? orange reflective vest? And then it came to me...ORANGE DUCT TAPE!

Ah, duct tape. The handywomen's secret weapon. The hardest part was finding orange duct tape; I checked Canadian Tire, Home Depot, and more. Finally, I caved and checked out -ugh- Wal Mart. I normally try to avoid Wal Mart at all costs, for obvious reasons, but this was an emergency! And of course, they had orange duct tape. I bought one roll and ended up having to go back for more.

So, first step was to make the duct tape into a sort of fabric by double siding it. The trick here is to make sure your "fabric" is long enough (you don't want to be taping a bunch of small chunks of fabric together).

Once I made enough "fabric", I taped a piece to a mannequin and drew out the shape of the suspenders. If you don't have a mannequin, just find a good friend who owes you one. 

Next step is fairly obvious - cut out the suspender that you just drew. (Yes there is a sewing machine in this picture, but no you do not need to sew for this project).

Now that you've cut out the suspender, you have a pattern you can use for the other side. I just traced the cut out on another piece of "fabric" and voila! After cutting out both sides and taping them together, I decided that I wanted to give the edges a nice finish so I used tape as trim.

Making the back of the suspenders takes some guess work. I taped the front two pieces to myself to figure out how long to make the back piece. Once you've attached it to the back and on either side, it's time to trace out the circles. I used a pendant and then cut out each circle with an x-acto knife. Make sure that you draw the circles on the inside of your suspenders so that you don't see any pen marks.

And that's it! For the suspenders that is...there was still the rest of the costume to deal with. I looked EVERYWHERE for gold leggings and ended up having to buy some from American Apparel for *ugh* $40. Urban Planet had silver ones for $6 but nooooo....Leeloo had to wear gold.The white shirt was easy and the boots I ended up getting from Urban Planet. 

A couple of weeks ago I actually got to test out the costume. Andrew had rented a couple of tables to sell video games at a scifi/vintage/retro toy fair where people were dressed up as everything from Star Wars to Anime characters. I figured "The 5th Element" is sci fi right? Well, I learned a valuable lesson during this test.

I bought some spray on, bright orange, ONE WASH hair spray from Value Village and it looked fantastic. Thing is, I am so blonde that my hair soaked it up and didn't wash out. It left me with a pink tint. I even went to the hairdresser and she couldn't get it out completely!! 

Lesson learned. Tomorrow, I'm wearing a wig!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jack-o-lantern Galore!

Halloween is one of my all time favorite times of year. The colour of the leaves, the costumes, the candy, and the PUMPKINS! Andrew and I are going to be carving our pumpkins tonight so I started looking for inspiration. While looking I found some amazing pumpkins, some of them are truly works of art! Check 'em out:

I'll be uploading pics of our pumpkins soon - stay tuned!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

David Shrigley Video

A hilarious video about a serious topic. Please watch, and if you feel so inclined, sign the petition.

"I do not want for a few any more than I want education for a few, or freedom for a few."
- William Morris

Light Painting

I stumbled on this website this morning that has 100 demonstrations of light painting. I've included my favourites below but click here to see more!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Oh! My nephew is a graphic designer..."


First off, let me say that I know some amazing designers who have never done any post secondary education. Also, I think it's really great that so many people are breaking into this industry and that it's growing so much. I don't want to come across as one of those snobby designers who thinks that you have to have gone to school to be worth anything - really I don't...BUT I think we need some sort of certification. You know how you can go to massage therapists or you can go to CERTIFIED massage therapists? Why can't there be something like that for design? I suppose it would be difficult to set standards for certification, especially seeing as design is like an art and can be so subjective (although, I had a teacher who said graphic design is not art...that's a whole 'nother post). 

Nothing scares me more than a client saying - "Hey! My nephew does graphic design in MS word and made me a logo." Really? I like to think that I've worked really hard to earn the title "graphic designer" and to share that title with a 16 year old who designs in Paint kind of irks me (again, I mean that in the least snobby way possible). I'm sure there are photographers who feel the same way about people who use little kodak point and shoots and call themselves professional photographers. Thoughts?


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Namaste Jewelry Contest

For those of you who don't know, I run a jewelry business called Namaste Jewelry. The majority of the business is done on Facebook. Feel free to check it out!

We're holding a contest right now for a $20 gift certificate. On the Facebook page, there are photos of four beautiful ladies wearing Namaste Jewelry. You can vote on your favourite picture by "liking" it. On October 15th, the photo with the most "likes" wins!!

If you wanted to enter this contest but missed it, don't worry! We have new contests very often.



Click on the photo to "like" it. Please note that you must "like" Namaste Jewelry first!

It's alive!

It's finally here! My blog that is. Hopefully this one lasts longer than my previous blogs. I tend to bore easily and move onto new projects; but that is what this blog is all about: projects!! I will be blogging about anything and everything creative, particularly anything to do with graphic design, photography, crafts, jewelry design, fashion and just art in general. Please feel free to love comments - it will make me feel less alone ;)